
Fill in the form below to register your setting for free milk

You are required to register online with the NMRU at

Select ABC Nursery Milk Limited as your agent from the drop down menu.

Each month you must log on to your NMRU account and enter the number of children in your care. Failure to do this will result in suspension of your milk deliveries and you will be invoiced.

Declaration: I have read the ABC Nursery Milk Ltd’s customer information sheet and understand that I must inform ABC Nursery Milk Ltd of any changes that will affect my milk entitlement (holidays and number changes etc.) with at least 1 week’s notice (or by the given deadline) I understand that failure to do so will result in me being invoiced for any milk delivered that I am not entitled to.

Be aware that you cannot claim milk for any children that are: • aged 5 and over • your own or your relatives children

Company Reg. No. 12632800

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If you would like to find out more please get in touch with us today.